The Bare Body Project

Hello Friends! Welcome to The Bare Body Project!

This has been something I have been daydreaming about for a really long time, and I am so happy that it has finally begun!

These shoots are tasteful nudes, showcasing your bare body. Project days are in a group setting. We will do individual photos, as well as some group shots. The cost for your participation is just your time and consent to share. This will be by donation only in the hopes of making this opportunity more accessible to everyone. The setting and "theme" (white paint/backdrop for example) of the project won't always be the same. I think creating art like this is so important! It is an honor and truly humbling that you are willing to make vulnerable, beautiful photos with me.

I know being in front of a camera can be a strange feeling, so I wanted to put some thoughts out. What do you do with your hands?! What do you do with your whole body?! I get it.

A good tip for your turn in front of the camera is movement. Move your body in ways that feel good to you. Is yoga your jam? Let’s do a yoga pose or two that are your favorite! Whatever feelings come up for you during this experience…let it shine through. These aren’t meant to be smile and pose photos. Of course, if you’re happy and excited and smiling, yay! But you don’t have to be.

I think given the purpose of this project, a good thing to do is remember to connect with your body. Feel your skin. Grab your belly. Play with your hair. We want to honor your body here. Connect with YOU. And a little bit of my camera lens.

I can’t wait to photograph you all just as you are. This shoot is a safe space. A sacred space. A space to be SEEN. A space to be free. A space with no judgement. A space for celebration. A space for us to be vulnerable together, to create art together, to send a message together. A message that says to the world - my body is GOOD. My body is not flawed. My body is beautiful and strong and amazing just as it is. Today. Right now.

My hopes and dreams for this project are to normalize normal bodies and to celebrate them. To create a safe space for vulnerability and love. To challenge the societal norms that have encouraged us to take up as little space as possible, to challenge diet and bounce back culture. To create art with amazing humans. 

Looking forward to photographing you soon!

With So Much Love,


The Bare Body Project Testimonials

The Bare Body Project Testimonials

“...I have immense gratitude for the other beautiful folks who stood next to me, radiating beauty so hard that I had to accept that I am beautiful too, through it all. I have so much gratitude for Alannah for holding a space of creativity, beauty, and honesty for all of us. Thank you.”

Round One: "Paint"

In "Paint," we explore bodypaint's transformative power, celebrating the canvas that is the human body. This round accentuates natural beauty through simple, organic designs, tailoring each piece to complement and enhance the unique contours and features

see more of the bare body project

Round One: "Paint"

It's a vivid celebration of identity, creativity, and the seamless blend of art with the human form, inviting participants to witness their bodies as never before.

See more of the bare body project

Round Two: "An Ode to Censorship"

"An Ode to Censorship" ventures into expression versus restriction, using artful censorship to make bold statements about freedom, identity, and societal norms.

See more of the bare body project

Round Two: "An Ode to Censorship"

This round challenges perceptions through black-and-white imagery and props that symbolize censorship, transforming limitations into powerful expressions of resilience and strength.

see more of the bare body project

Round Two: "An Ode to Censorship"

It's a provocative exploration of how, even in constraint, the human spirit remains unbound and expressive.

see more of the bare body project

Round Three: "Maine Woods"

"Maine Woods" rekindles the intrinsic connection between the human body and the natural world. Set against Maine's serene forests, this round captures the essence of belonging and harmony between people and the earth.

see more of the bare body project

Round Three: "Maine Woods"

Through group scenes highlighting the unity and diversity of human forms alongside nature's splendor, participants and viewers alike are invited to reconsider the body as an integral part of the natural landscape,celebrating its organic beauty and strength

see more of the bare body project

Donations to The Bare Body Project

The bare body project is currently a donation based project.

Minimum donation of $25 is appreciated, though no one will be turned away for lack of funds.

Your cost to participate is your time and consent to share the images.

Monetary donations can be made to Alannah through Venmo @af_207. Cash donations the day of the project are accepted as well.

Donations to The Bare Body Project

The bare body project is currently a donation based project.

Minimum donation of $25 is appreciated, though no one will be turned away for lack of funds.

Your cost to participate is your time and consent to share the images.

Monetary donations can be made to Alannah through Venmo @af_207. Cash donations the day of the project are accepted as well.

Previous participants are absolutely welcome to join in on future project days. In this case, I would strongly consider making a donation.

The editing process will not include anything that alters your body. Cropping, exposure, and other minor edits may be made. I will not be removing acne, bruises or stretch marks. I will not be smoothing out skin or shrinking features. These are not meant to be highly edited images, these are meant to be real life.

**This project is not specifically for celebrating motherhood/parenthood, breast/body feeding, or postpartum.**
***Breast/body feeding children are welcome to join you with the understanding that they will be in some images on social media/my website.***

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